Therapy, Philosophical Counseling, Spiritual Direction, Executive Leadership Coaching, & Business Consulting
Welcome, congratulations, and best wishes on your engagement and upcoming marriage/civil union! It is our pleasure to extend the therapeutic services of The Clinic @ The Montgomery to those who are planning to join their lives in this way. Those services include, but are not limited to: (1) Relationship Counseling; (2) Pre-Marital Counseling for Couples and/or Blended Families; (3) Officiating Weddings or Vow Renewal Rituals, and; (4) Mid-Marriage Counseling for those who are experiencing transitions in their lives, such as "empty nest syndrome" or retirement. In many cases, couples desire to mark special occasions with a renewal of vows.
Relationship Counseling
As a licensed psychotherapist, Dr. Jonathan Eric Carroll, the Clinical Director, provides thoughtful, engaging therapy for persons who are in relationships of any kind and who want to make the most of those relationships for the enrichment of their lives.
Pre-Marital/Pre-Civil Ceremony Counseling
Dr. Carroll provides therapy for couples who are about to embark in a marital or civil relationship, and who want to explore areas of the relationship - and their part in it - in order to enter into that union in a healthier mental and emotional state.
Officiating Weddings
Because Dr. Carroll is an ordained member of the clergy, he holds celebrants' rights, meaning he is privileged to preside over weddings and civil ceremonies in any state as the Officiant. Dr. Carroll is willing to provide this service to persons of any religious or spiritual background (or persons with no such background at all) and to persons of any gender identity or sexual orientation, including same-sex couples or those with alternative lifestyles. The Clinic @ The Montgomery and Dr. Carroll are committed to helping couples to experience the ceremony of their wishes, and will work with them to co-create an experience that will be satisfying, rich, and memorable.
Reaffirmation (or Renewal) of Vows
Like weddings, the reaffirmation of vows can be a very special time for couples and their families to experience the seasoned newness that long-lasting relationships can offer, allowing children and grandchildren to witness first hand the love and commitment that two people share, while also serving as a time of renewal for a couple's life together.
Weddings require a significant amount of time and energy spent planning, preparing, and arranging. This is true for all couples. It is true, also, for those who officiate weddings & civil ceremonies. Dr. Carroll takes the time to get to know each couple, and to craft a ceremony that honors them and their love for one another and encourages all those in attendance to honor their loves and their lives, too.
You deserve the ceremony you have always dreamed of. Dr. Carroll will diligently strive to provide you with just that!
Dr. Carroll charges $500 for each wedding/civil ceremony.
This fee includes:
Two (2) Pre-Marital/Couples Therapy (Fifty Minutes Each)
Presence & Leadership at the Wedding Rehearsal
Officiating the Wedding Ceremony
Completing & Filing All Documentation to the Commonwealth